01727 790 400
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Quantity Unit Price (before cost options)
6 £8.50
15 £7.65
30 £7.22
60 £6.80

Running Trainer 3D Trophy - Minimum 6

Product code: FG850
Collection: Berkeley Collection
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£6.80 - £8.50 (including vat)
Price per trophy. Minimum order quantity 6 trophies.

Size: 130mm x 60mm

This beautifully crafted Running Trainer 3D Trophy, is a finely detailed replica of a running shoe. The award is made from premium grade resin and polished in a silver glaze and has golden shoe laces and soles. The trophy does not stand on a base and is self standing. This attractive trophy would make an impressive award for any running awards presentation event and offers excellent value for money as a minimum order of 6.

The trophy can be supplied with a FREE separate personalised self adhesive engraved plate displaying your text details and ready to be applied.

Please note: Minimum delivery time for this product is 10 working days due to new EU import laws.

Step 1. Quantity & Options
Step 2. Personalisation (select option 3 if not required)
1. Personalise all items the same
2. Personalise each item individually
3. No personalisation required